Tuesday 2 June 2015

Reading Portfolio

In reading From term 2 week 2 we have been doing tic-tac-toe activity's. In our workshop we have been doing text to text/self/world. Each week in Poutama we are expected to do 3 tic-tac-toe activity's. Two must dos and 1 can do. This week it was different because we hade no workshops and we only have one must do and one can do.

Success Criteria:  
In our workshop we have been doing text to text/self/world.
-A text to self connection is when you compare text to yourself
-A text to world connection is when you compare text to real world things
-A text to text connection is when you compare stuff in one book to another book.

Make Text to text connections.
Make text to world connections.
Make text to self connections.

I could work on my goal by stopping at the end of each capter and think about some text to self connection's.

Who won the race and how?
The tortoise won because he kept on going while the rabbit had a nap.

What was the moral (or lesson that can be learned) from the story?
Determination beats speed.

Write one text to self connection you have made with the story.
When I was a year 1 I thought I had won sprints so I slowed down just before the finish but then Rico beat me.

Write one text to text connection you have made with the story.
The boy who cried wolf because they both are fables. Fables are stories with a messege

Feedback/Feedforward: Good job Loki I think you did really well I think you need to work on making more of a connection, but that was all good. #Jetty-boom-boom AKA Jett

Evaluation: I think I am good at making text to text connections but I could work on text to world connections because I struggle to find things in the world that relate to the text I read.

1 comment:

  1. A good quality post Lachlan and you included everything you needed in it. Next time think about how you could go the extra mile and show excellence in your post as we know you are capable.
